Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Internet Safe, For Now

With SOPA and PIPA put on the back-burner, pirates and internet users can breath easy.. For now.  There is an international treaty in the works that would do essentially the same thing as SOPA and PIPA, but on a global scale.  ACTA, however, is not the exact same thing as SOPA and PIPA.  ACTA will take it past the internet.  ACTA could make generic drugs illegal, as well as stop all copy-write infringements.  Many experts feared ACTA more than SOPA and PIPA, even before they were abandoned, because it would be a measure that would not be voted on, and could be put in action with ease.  Another thing to be aware of, is ACTA is being negotiated in private, and seems to lack transparency.  The European Union is currently in talks of approving or rejecting ACTA, which could have many of the same effects as SOPA and PIPA in regards to E commerce and internet companies as a whole.  If a user was to upload a video onto Youtube, with a copy-write infringement somewhere in the video, Youtube could essentially be shut down.  This could paralyze, and end the internet as we know it.

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